Campaign with the international footballer Nicklas Bendtner shot for FC Copenhagen and Adidas by our Danish photographer photographer Samy Khabthani
'Narcos' Netflix campaign shot in Bogotá, Colombia, by our Danish photographer Kenneth Nguyen
Campaign shot for Kronenbourg 1664 Blanc by Samy Khabthani
Commercial reportage with the Danish band The Entrepreneurs on a tour in Finland. Assignment by photographer Malthe Ivarsson for the apparel brand Junk de Luxe
Social media campaign with the Italian national football team shot for PUMA in collaboration with Juliet Zulu in Portland and Salzburg. Photography by Kenneth Nguyen
Campaign for PUMA Denmark with singer and rapper Kesi shot by Samy Khabthani
Social media content for Mercedes Denmark by photographer Kenneth Nguyen
FC Copenhagen jersey launch for Adidas and FC Copenhagen. Digital and analog photography by Samy Khabthani
Backstage reportage for Adidas during Copenhagen Fashion Week by photographer Kenneth Nguyen
Social media campaign for Zalando. Shot by photographer Thomas Neukum in Berlin
Away jersey campaign shoot for FC Copenhagen and Adidas by photographer Samy Khabthani
Outdoor and aerial shoot for Stellar Heliskiing in Canada by photographer Christoph Oberschneider
Event photography for Nordisk Film Biografer in Denmark by photographer Flemming Bo Jensen
Social media campaign ‘The Taylor’ for PUMA in collaboration with Juliet Zulu in Portland and Salzburg. Assignment shot in Italy by photographer Kenneth Nguyen
Campaign shot for the international apparel brand BLS by photographer by Samy Khabthani
Outdoor campaign for Red Bull by photographer Christoph Oberschneider
Campaign for Adidas by photographer Samy Khabthani
Social media content for Mercedes Denmark by photographer Kenneth Nguyen
Campaign shoot for FC Copenhagen and Adidas by photographer Samy Khabthani
Social media campaign shot for PUMA in collaboration with Juliet Zulu in Portland and Salzburg. Product assignment shot in Italy by our Danish photographer Kenneth Nguyen
Assignment for Land Rover in collaboration with Storyboard in Munich. Photography by Kenneth Nguyen
Assignment for the apparel brand Junk de Luxe. Commercial reportage with the independent record label Affiliated by photographer Malthe Ivarsson